We treat our guests' safety and privacy protection as paramount. To satisfy that concern, Cape Fahn Hotel, Koh Samui strictly prohibits the operation or use of drones whether by the general public, professional photographers or videographers, media or journalists without prior acknowledgement and approval of the Management of Cape Fahn Hotel. Where operation of drones is approved, all in-house guests will be informed in advance.
We reserve the right to take appropriate measures including eviction from accommodation and confiscation of equipment of any person violating this policy.
For further information or questions, please contact our Guest Relations Officer in person or on extension "0".
Click here to read more > https://drone-laws.com/drone-laws-in-thailand/Facilities
Cape Spa Pool Beach Fitness Studio Reading Room Boutique Activities Pavilion Reception Area Hospitality Lounge Yacht TransportOpening Hours: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.